
Change Starts With Us: Anti-Bullying Week 2019

We have collective responsibility to reduce bullying and this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is encouraging us all to take this responsibility seriously. Olivia Foster explains

Bullying rarely happens in isolation. There are many individuals and organisations that will see it happening – from teachers, school staff, and pupils to the parents who hear about it, to the online social media platforms where bullying messages are posted. There are clear markers where others could stop and think, offer support and speak out.

We talk a lot about the worrying numbers of children experiencing bullying each day, but this year we want to talk about the changes we can make to help reduce bullying and respond to it appropriately when it does happen.

During a time when school-age students are protesting for change – such as climate activist Greta Thunberg and movements like the Extinction Rebellion – the power of taking action is evident.

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