

How schools can best implement Curriculum-Led Financial Planning

Every school has budgeting challenges that they must navigate. Just a few of the many financial pressures currently troubling school budgets include rising teachers’ salaries, pay award increases, and the growing costs of SEN support.

With no real signs of financial pressures abating, governors, head teachers and CFOs often find themselves making tricky decisions on how best to drive up standards in their schools, given an increasingly restrictive budget.

So, where to best invest in teaching staff, resources and equipment, given your available finances?


Curriculum-Led Financial Planning (CLFP), which is advocated by the Department for Education (DfE), has quickly become recognised best practice for improving financial efficiency and control in your school, while finding value in your funding to improve pupils’ success – by showing you how to better deploy your staff.

It is now extremely beneficial for schools to understand how to best implement CLFP – especially with the DfE making a requirement for recipients of the Multi-Academy Trust Development Improvement Fund (MDIF).

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