
Physics gender balance trial

Schools in England are being invited to sign up for free to the Institute of Physics’ (IoP) Improving Gender Balance national research trial.

The Department for Education-funded trial will work with teachers on inclusive teaching and whole-school approaches to tackling gender stereotyping.

The randomised control trial will see half of participating schools receiving a wide-ranging programme of valuable evidence-based support including: training and CPD for teachers, the development of a whole-school strategy to combat gender stereotyping, options evenings, careers guidance, student-led projects, and a dedicated IoP coach.

Currently only 13 per cent of girls who achieved grade A or A* in GCSE physics go on to study the subject at A level. This compares to 39 per cent of boys (Institute of Fiscal Studies, 2018).

The trial is open to all state-funded co-ed secondary schools where a gap currently exists between the proportion of girls and boys taking physics A level as well as all-girls schools with a low number of girls progressing to physics A level. The deadline for applications is May 31.
