
A government out of touch

Trade unions
If teachers do not stand up to Michael Gove’s attacks on education, then the consequences will be disastrous, argues Christine Blower.

Michael Gove’s recent comments that “teachers have never had it so good” reflect how totally out of touch he is with the profession. The coalition government’s education policies have left schools and teachers reeling. 

Teachers begin the academic year with enormous enthusiasm to do the very best they can for every child and young person that comes into their classroom. This year, however, as it has been in previous years, it is both tempered and dented by the anger and frustration that teachers feel for all kinds of reasons.

Changes are being rushed through on examination and curriculum reform that pay no heed to the profession’s views or concerns. They are not being made in the interests of all children nor will they result in providing the vibrant environment relevant to the 21st century that schools and colleges should be. 

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