
A shout out for our subject associations

Languages and humanities
Educator Suzi Bewell could not get by without her subject association, but she fears that these vital organisations are losing their kudos among some teachers.

With budgets in UK schools being cut, particularly CPD budgets, I believe that the future of training and development is shifting massively to the online world. 

I think this will suit both school leaders and teachers. It will give colleagues the opportunity to develop and acquire knowledge and skills from the comfort of their own home/school and there is also no additional travel or expenses to factor in, thus keeping costs down.

Another issue, alongside the reduction in spending in many schools, appears to be the problem of colleagues increasingly not being allowed out of school due to staffing pressures. In the past, attending a day conference in London for someone like myself living in the North could amount to more than £600, including conference fee, train travel and the cost of supply.

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