
A timely and vital inquiry into PSHE

PSHE Government policy
That high-quality PSHE and sex education should be at the top of a school's list of priorities is a no-brainer, says SecEd editor Pete Henshaw. However, this is not always the reality. As such, an MPs' inquiry into provision is timely and welcome.

I have never understood why politicians and our education system seemingly place no importance on PSHE and sex and relationships education (SRE).

While all the world discusses the importance of mathematics and English for our students’ futures, we do not even countenance giving the same priority or urgency to PSHE and SRE. Why not? This is foolish, especially when so many of the barriers to learning faced by young people today are related in some way to the range of serious issues tackled within these subjects. In 2014, preparing our students for their adult lives requires much more than developing their English and mathematical skills.

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