
Achievement = inspiration + effort?

Examinations & Qualifications
Why is it that continuous improvement is recognised and rewarded in athletics, but not always in education?
Bill Watkin discusses.

Until recently, 2012 looked like a good year for education from many perspectives: schools have greater freedom (especially over the curriculum) than for many years; more than 50 per cent of secondary schools are now academies, with more control over their own destiny; groups/chains of schools are developing fast; and schools are taking greater responsibility for teacher training and professional development.

The sporting events of the summer brought particular pleasure to many schools, their staff and students who have taken part in or enjoyed the Olympics and Paralympics in one way or another.

It was a joy to hear the news that Jessica Applegate, a student at Ormiston Venture Academy, won gold in the 200 metres freestyle at the Paralympics, setting a Games record. Here is a young person demonstrating very publicly the results of dedication and hard work, with 4am starts for training before school. Her achievements are inspiring children across the country.

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