
At the chalkface: Cognitive dissonance

Cognitive dissonance rules. UK schools are either the most intellectual and happiest and best in the world or the dimmest and unhappiest and worst in the world.

“Is your school any good?” I was once asked by an Oxford man, whose son had been to Winchester and got a first from Oxford.

I was bereft of words. Probably not. We didn’t send any pupils to Oxbridge. And there were, sshh, drugs and fights and some bunking off. His view was that his £30,000 per annum was well spent. After all, his son was going to use the best library, do rowing, debating, read Greek, History and go up to Exeter college to read law. So be it. It was choice. You pays your money and you get to do the judging. You are one of the seven per cent.

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