
At the chalkface: Every lesson shapes a life

Teaching staff
Have you seen the new one? It’s called “Every Lesson Shapes a Life”. It’s slick, nicely cut and seductive. A girl walks down a cunningly lit school corridor passing through the various stages of her schooling. Teachers display sensitivity, tough love, empathy...

The New Year breaks. I feel compelled to dredge up something positive for the occasion, a sliver of optimism. It’s all going to get better. Yes we can. Who am I fooling?

I feel like a football manager about to give the half-time talk when we’re losing 7-0, searching for the “positives”. There are none. We’ve lost. Everybody knows the captain lied.

It’s grim and getting grimmer. And you don’t need me to tell you why. Savage cuts, the plague of poverty, the crisis of recruitment and retention, increasingly nasty racial and religious tensions, rumours of knife crime, “off-rolling” our more deeply troubled pupils – and much else.

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