
At the chalkface: Get up! Stand Up!

Teaching staff
Relentless management meetings. Dear me, they do go on. You must construct a rictus of rapt fascination, while fools point their suits at you and purr perky banalities in a mumbo-jumbo of databases, spreadsheets, statistics and an imminent Ofsted raid.

But it’s not easy to keep up this mood. Bad things are brewing – like the relentless management meetings. Dear me, they do go on. You must construct a rictus of rapt fascination, while fools point their suits at you and purr perky banalities in a mumbo-jumbo of databases, spreadsheets, statistics and an imminent Ofsted raid. You may even be in such a meeting now... ssh ... you’re better off with this column...

But there’s no escape. Sooner or later a headteacher will feel compelled to unleash New Year Speech at you. A Mission Statement, a Vision Thing. It may be original, brave and philosophically thrilling. Or not. It may more likely be just another craven acquiescence to our Testing Culture.

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