
At the chalkface: Strike!

Teaching staff
The Cuban Missile Crisis. October 1962. We protested and refused to kick off in case the world was blown to smithereens. It wasn’t. Our protest might have been decisive.

Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish schoolgirl, really started something with her solo protest outside the last Davos meeting. Global school strikes against global warming. Earlier this month was the first YouthStrike4Climate event in the UK. Thousands showed up.

I’m with them all the way.

Government inertia is criminal. The situation is about as grave as it gets. The usual malign chorus has fulminated – elderly, complacent, paternalistic, condescending, monumentally selfish Blimps.

“The children are being naïve, exploited. Why can’t they demonstrate outside school hours? They’ll be missing essential lessons and consequently might fail their GCSEs.”

And not have the chance to become a drudging serf in our nightmare global marketplace. What about their future? They may not have one.

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