
Back in the ring

Teaching staff
The summer is over and now you must go all “loco parentis”. You have to be this multi-tasking public person – a mix of pastor, moral icon, lion tamer, academic, diplomat, bouncer, shrink, stand – up, priest, ring master, Mafia Don – and have the charisma

It’s the jolt from private to public that did for me – getting the game face on after the hols. You’ve been a private person for six weeks – blobbing on a beach or bopping at a Carnival or meditating in a monastery or gripped by the Ashes or reading Ian or Zadie or Fifty Shades of Filth or snoozing on a Lilo off the Adriatic, pondering jacking it all in for a goat herding in Albania. Whatever.

You’ve not been a pillar or scapegoat of society, responsible for the fall of civilisation. You see delinquents arsing about on street corners. So what? You care not a jot. “Appalling!” you sigh. “I blame them teachers!”

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