
Comedian 0, Teachers 1

A stand-up comedian takes our NQT diarist during a night out on the tiles. Big mistake...

At the end of last year, in celebration of completing the gruelling PGCE, some fellow teachers and I decided to ignore a few P Standards and go to a comedy club before parting ways.

“Where are you from?”, the northern comedian barked at me as I tried to avoid eye contact.

“Essex”, I eventually replied. Instant laughs.

“What do you do, southerner?” This was a common name I received working up in the North. “I’m a secondary teacher.”

“Bit young to be a teacher aren’t you?” Due to being an August baby I’m proudly one of the very few teachers who began their career just 21-years-old. I have been mistaken for a rogue 6th-form student one too many times for my liking. 

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