
Computing on a par with maths and English

Computing and STEM
Schools are facing up to the new computing curriculum and in case any are dragging their heels, Duncan Maidens and Andrew Csizmadia have some words of encouragement.

The new computing curriculum is now upon schools and they have a responsibility to act. However the challenges appear to be great.

“I know nothing about programming”, “Algorithms sound incredibly complex”, ”Computational thinking? I don’t want to think like a computer” – these are all phrases heard in many school staffrooms over recent months, and many teachers and schools, especially primary, are just waking up to the task ahead.

However, it is not that daunting when you really start to look at it. For a start, programming is only one part of the new computing curriculum. The first myth to dispel is that we are trying to teach all children to become programmers. It is just not the case. We teach maths in schools, but not all our pupils will be mathematicians. 

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