
Diary of a headteacher: A challenging year ahead

The new year’s resolution was simple: keep making the school a better place. Achieving it, however, will be a continuing challenge for our headteacher diarist

It’s cold and it’s January. As the festive decorations came down I thought back to the final day of last term, What a great day that was. We had planned a series of events that allowed us to spend time together as a community to celebrate all the joys that the season brings.

I am acutely aware that, given the cohort we serve, there will be some who will not have experienced the Christmas fantasy that we’re told should be the norm.

Given the rising costs that we all face, I’m sure that some staff might themselves have not been able to afford the Coca-Cola dream of the holidays that approached. And so on the last day of term, I wanted to ensure that everyone had a happy memory to take home with them.

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