
Diary of a Headteacher: After eight weeks of headship...

Senior leadership
The half-term break has given our headteacher diarist time to reflect on the challenges that stepping up to headship this year has presented.

Now that my first half-term as a headteacher is over, the week-long break has been an ideal opportunity to reflect, take stock of my first eight weeks, and importantly, recharge some pretty exhausted batteries.

I have always faired reasonably well when dealing with stressful work situations and I’ve never been one to lose sleep worrying about school issues until the early hours of the morning. 

But in terms of pressure, expectations, responsibility and stress I have definitely noticed the difference in stepping up to be the boss, compared to my previous role as a deputy head.

As the sole deputy in my previous school, I was in charge of most of the important aspects of school improvement. Someone once described the way that I work as “if it moves in school, he’s on it”. So, I am used to being quite a hands-on person and being the one “holding the ball” for key pieces of work. 

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