
Diary of a headteacher: An impossible situation

Faced with an incredibly complex situation, our headteacher diarist only managed to reach a solution and a way forward after extensive consultation with colleagues and mentors. He reflects on the experience

As a headteacher, you expect to face tough decisions on a daily basis. Problems arise frequently in schools and often you have to choose the lesser of two evils with compromise regularly exercised to achieve a sensible and pragmatic solution.

Headteachers need to be flexible, willing to occasionally take calculated risks and be the balanced voice of reason and objectivity.

Members of staff arrive at your door with complex problems and emotional baggage and as the headteacher it is important to detach your feelings and emotions from a situation before arriving at a logical conclusion.

Carrying this burden of responsibility is par for the course for a head and it is important to be able to make crucial decisions with confidence and conviction.

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