
Diary of a headteacher: Getting your first teaching job – tips from the top

After advising a group of student teachers on their futures, our headteacher diarist outlines some of his top tips for getting your first teaching job…

This week I had the pleasure of leading a session for a group of student teachers on application writing and interviews. It was refreshing to work with a group of aspiring teachers, full of passion, enthusiasm and anticipation for what lies ahead. It is a privilege to work with young people day-in, day-out and as a headteacher I believe it is crucial to convey this positivity to the future members of our profession. Below are some of the tips and tricks I discussed.

Before you begin to fill in application forms and write letters, be sure to thoroughly research the specific job that is advertised, the school itself, and the nature of the local community. It is important that the school, its values, and the community it serves are suited to you and your philosophies. Simply reading the last Ofsted report (although recommended) is not enough. Explore the website, read newspaper articles, examine the prospectus to get a greater insight into what the school is all about.

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