
Diary of a Headteacher: Having difficult conversations

Senior leadership
Having difficult conversations is a challenge for every senior leader. Our headteacher diarist prioritises being open and transparent over creating a culture of fear.

The honeymoon period is most definitely over! 

I am four weeks into my first headship and so far it has been reasonably plain sailing.

Good results in the summer created a real vibe of positivity around the school, and with the arrival of a new headteacher, most have been keen to impress – to show what they have got to offer and not come across as “one of the moaners”.

However, I have noticed a distinct shift as the new academic year has fully kicked in and the usual school issues begin to crop up. You get to see who are the “can-do” people, the ones who are solution-focused, and of course the ones who just see the problems and “don’t want to come across as negative, but...”

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