
Diary of an NQT: A chaotic final week…

The end of term break came at a good time for our NQT diarist, although the final week of spring term saw a spike in workload…

The last week before spring bank was a particularly intense period at work. I decided that all of my key stage 3 classes would sit their end of year assessments before the holiday so that I would have ample time to get them marked, returned and recorded before the closing of the assessment window.

The deadline is not until a week after the holidays, but as my classes were all ready for their assessments it made sense to get them out of the way so that we can press forward after the break.

As I teach several set 4 and 5 key stage 3 classes, I have to do a lot of additional planning to ensure that my students are given the access arrangements they are entitled to. A week prior to the first assessment, I liaised with the school’s SENCO, informing her of the additional support that my students required.

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