
Diary of an NQT: A little breathing space

The school feels a lot emptier now exam leave has begun – giving our NQT diarist a bit of time to tackle those tasks that have fallen to the wayside

That’s it. The year 11s have left school and now they are on their own. Of course, there are still revision sessions in school that they can drop into and they are welcome to come along to ask questions.

Whether many come in for the help is another question. It is quite a strange feeling really. There are certain groups that I teach, you know the ones, where each lesson is very different and the classes contain quite a few characters.

Getting certain students to engage with the lesson or even pick up a pen is a real achievement sometimes. I said goodbye to a few such students last Wednesday after a nice last revision lesson. I told them that I wasn’t going to wish them luck, because luck has nothing to do with it – if they do the revision and put in the hard work they will get the grades they all deserve.

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