
Diary of an NQT: Complaining to the SLT…

With a long to-do list, our NQT diarist is dismayed to be seconded for exam invigilation at the last minute. She decides to complain to the SLT…

With the year 11s gone, I have only gained another four hours of time on the timetable. Not to be sniffed at I know, but I’ve mentioned before how much I am being expected to do in this short amount of bonus time.

However, luckily for me, another humanities teacher has just returned from maternity leave and is without a timetable. She has very kindly agreed to take one of my key stage 3 classes so I now have an extra four hours of gain time a fortnight. Hurrah!

On Monday, I was all geared up to make the most of these extra hours of gain time. My list was long, but I was feeling energetic and pleased to have the time to tackle it. But then the email comes: “Due to some changes on the timetable, you will now be required to invigilate for two hours.”

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