
Diary of an NQT: In the mode pastoral

As SecEd's NQT diarist finally says goodbye to the first of his year 11 classes, he is also preparing to write his first set of pastoral tutor group reports

It has happened – finally. I have had my last lesson with the first of my year 11 examination groups.

While at the moment I am glad that I have gained some free time to get on with my list of jobs, I do feel like I am going to miss them.

I think as a teacher you probably will never forget the first GCSE group you teach. It has been really interesting for me reflecting on my year with the groups that are now beginning to leave.

I remember some of the first NQT diary entries for SecEd and my initial concerns that these were some of my trickiest groups – they were very set in their ways from their previous teacher and I found it tough going to begin with.

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