
Diary of an NQT: My first parents’ evening

With mock exam results published, our NQT diarist is bracing himself for some focused and perhaps difficult conversations during his first parents’ evening…

I recently attended my first parents’ evening as a qualified teacher. During my ITT year, I had shadowed my host teachers at a couple of parents’ evenings to observe good practice, but this was the first time that I had met my students’ parents on my own.

The parents’ evening was for year 11 students and came a few weeks after they had received their mock exam results. Some of my students had done very well in their exam, but others were disappointed with their outcomes.

I decided to discuss the exam results individually with each student in the lesson prior to parents’ evening. During an assessment feedback session, I asked the class to rewrite the exam questions that they had struggled with. While they did this, I spent a few minutes alone with each student discussing what they needed to do to progress further and improve their grade.

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