
Diary of an NQT: Three priorities for term number three

Two terms down and one to go, but the Easter holiday brought our NQT diarist three ‘pangs’ of anxiety about the term ahead…

Wow! I am two-thirds into this busy, most demanding of years. Having had a good Easter break, including plenty of chocolate, drinking tea in the garden and trying to recharge, I feel quite sprightly and energised for the run through to July.

During the holiday, however, I did feel several pangs of school reality and what this term might actually involve.

Pang number one: managing the NQT paperwork – how much is adequate, acceptable and appropriate? Hopefully mine is shaping up okay – evidencing each standard and recording accurately my successes and development areas is what the school and county council are looking for. I did speak with an “NQT+1” before breaking for Easter to try and gauge if my folder is evolving as it should. I was fairly reassured but having an imminent NQT Progress Audit this half-term I am setting my standards high.

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