
Diary of an NQT: Using resources effectively

Our NQT diarist is becoming more adept at using and re-using resources and materials to get the most out of students while also keeping her workload down.

There is a vast assortment of teaching and learning materials out there, including amazing websites, materials from examination boards, and of course educational businesses which produce many things for us teachers.

As I move through my NQT year I am thankfully finding I need to spend less and less time preparing materials from scratch and can adapt worksheets or activities that I or the department have used before.

It seems as though flexibility in planning learning develops with experience. For instance, once you have a selection of “masters”, they can be adapted for many topics. Having a simple poster or leaflet template has proved useful when asking pupils to demonstrate comprehension, having ready images to centre mind-maps works well too, as well as social media templates to create profiles.

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