
Don’t mention the B word

Government policy
The shadow of Brexit is hanging over the progress made in recent years by the EU’s education consultation and negotiation group, says Jon Richards

I’m writing this in Brussels where I am preparing for a European Union meeting on education. I realise that sets me up as a quisling for the evil Brussels empire. And it’s clearly a family trait as my daughter spent several months on an exchange programme at Toulouse University, funded by the EU’s Erasmus programme.

The meeting is the EU Sectoral Social Dialogue for Education (ESSDE). This is the officially recognised EU consultation and negotiation body made up of employers and unions.

Sadly, for obvious reasons, it could be my last as a representative of the European Public Service Union – the EU federation for public services professional and support staff. I was there when the committee was set up five years ago and, although it has taken some time, it has recently begun to have an impact on EU education policy.

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