
Flouting the law on teachers' pay

While the recruitment crisis worsens, teachers continue to be denied their minimum pay uplift entitlements, with many schools flouting the law

Thousands of teachers have started the new year without having received the pay award or pay progression to which they are entitled.

A survey of more than 5,000 teachers carried out by NASUWT in December found that almost three-quarters of teachers on the main pay range have neither received nor had confirmation that they will receive the two per cent award which was due to be paid from September 1, 2017, despite this being a legal requirement.

Teachers on the upper pay range have fared no better. Almost half (48 per cent) have neither received nor had confirmation of the one per cent uplift to which they are entitled. Almost two-thirds of teachers in receipt of allowances for additional responsibilities had not been given the statutory one per cent uplift on those allowances.

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