
From maths teacher to bumble bee!

From a maths teacher and business advisor to a relay runner and even a bumble bee! This year's SecEd NQT diarist signs off with her final entry by looking back at some of the highs of her first year at the chalkface.

This is it, the final diary entry of my NQT year! NQTs across the land will be joining me in raising a glass in celebration as our final reports get signed off, our final observations are tucked tightly under our belts, and our sights are set firmly on the finish line where we know summer time and, hopefully, some sunshine await us!

Looking back over the past year there have been a multitude of highs and lows. 

My eyes have felt so heavy that it has been a headache-inducing strain to keep them open. My nerves have been rattled to the brink as I have tried to cram marking, planning, plus other responsibilities into miniscule time gaps. I have prayed for Hermione Granger’s “time turner” on numerous occasions, but instead have forced myself to stay awake until midnight trying to formulate bearable lesson plans.

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