
GCSE early entry – doing the right thing

We are navigating our exams system through the rear view mirror with schools unable to plan ahead and students’ learning being constantly disrupted. Russell Hobby calls on heads to take a courageous stand.

What does it say about the monitoring and control of our examination system, when we are repeatedly forced to make significant changes to the grading, marking or administration of exams in the middle of students’ courses of study? 

It suggests that we are designing and launching courses and exams without sufficient knowledge of their impact or how their interaction with other elements of the education system will affect them. 

Worse than this, some of the more recent swerves, such as those to early entry, are to correct previous decisions, such as the downgrading of speaking and listening. 

We are navigating our exam system through the rear view mirror and that is not good enough. Can we not plan ahead or model impact before we set students and schools off on a particular path?

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