
Getting a grip on bullying

Schools that acknowledge bullying are normally those which are most effective in tackling it, says Hilary Emery at the end of another successful Anti-Bullying Week.

Last week was Anti-Bullying Week and as the dust settles on another year’s campaign, I’m delighted to hear from colleagues at the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) that it was hugely successful in reiterating why bullying is something we must not tolerate if we want all children to succeed.

Bullying is not a pleasant subject and we all wish it didn’t happen, but it is those schools which acknowledge the problem that are driving forward best practice and making a real difference to the lives of children.

Crucially, the schools that establish a whole-school approach to tackling bullying – that regularly raise awareness of bullying and discuss the issue with their students, have clear reporting and recording systems, and regularly update their policies so everyone knows that bullying will not be tolerated – are the ones that see the biggest difference in pupil behaviour.

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