
ICT monitoring: Do you 'spy' on your pupils?

Does your school monitor pupils’ web use? The Daily Mail this week called this ‘snooping’ and ‘spying’. Pete Henshaw argues why this is an unfair and unrealistic judgement

I usually refrain from reading the Daily Mail. I tend to find that the values we stand for and hold dear as a profession of educators are rarely reflected within its pages.

However, my attention was caught by a comment last week which eventually led me to the Mail Online and the headline: More than 1,000 schools spy on pupils’ web browsing (see for yourself at

The story centred on the number of schools that now use monitoring software to track what their pupils are doing online during the school day or when they are using school devices. We are told that 821,386 computers or devices are now installed with such “snooping software”, allowing teachers to “spy” on pupils.

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