
Ideas for boosting morale

Staff wellbeing Pupil wellbeing
With so much bad press, it's important to start the new term off on the right foot with your students ― Karen Sullivan offers some tips.

It’s been a long summer, with August marking discouraging results for many secondary school pupils. While every teacher worth his or her salt will join calls for higher standards, once again many students have had plans destroyed and dreams shattered by an erratic and ill-thought-out attempt to implement them.

Even high achievers will be feeling the frustration, as predicted grades may no longer be worth the paper they are written on, and because a poor sense of morale infiltrates any school environment like an insidious disease.

Starting a new term with negative emotions will undermine attention, focus, dedication and determination, and leave students feeling apprehensive about the future. To get the best from them, it’s important to lift morale from the outset. Here are a few ideas.

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