
If teachers don't drive CPD, then the government will...

CPD Government policy
SecEd editor Pete Henshaw calls on the profession to ensure it is leading the agenda when it comes to raising the quality of teaching, lest the government takes over...

It was heartening to witness the discussions at the “Tweet-Up” on Raising the Quality of Teaching.

I say this not so much because our panel of experts included the likes of Sir Tim Brighouse and Professor Dylan Wiliam – although their contributions were, of course, fascinating. It was heartening for me because the event saw the profession, both in person and via Twitter, taking the lead on this most crucial of agendas.

I have long believed that while politicians spend their five-year terms tinkering with many aspects of education policy, the issue of teacher quality – of professional skills, pedagogy and teaching and learning – is one that only the profession can really have an influence on.

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