
Ignore this man!

Just one week in and our NQT diarist has already been "cliqued off" and given a range of advice, including a crucial warning from her headteacher – ignore this man!

So, my first step onto the career ladder for the new academic term began with a teacher training day. In fact, it began with two.

A nice welcome into the school as myself, as opposed to “miss” or “ma’am”, where I was able to meet my future colleagues and briefly be taught the ropes – everything from the headteacher’s office location to where “we” sit in the newly developed staffroom.

I have been “cliqued off” already within my department for coffee time – I am yet to decide whether this is a positive or negative development!

When visualising my first day, I maybe saw it slightly differently to how it seemed to pan out. Birds weren’t singing (although the sun was shining!) and the school seemed strangely desolate without the students.

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