
Is Ofsted value for money?

Kevin Courtney says that many teachers believe Ofsted is not fit-for-purpose – a punitive system which does not help schools to improve...

The National Audit Office (NAO) is carrying out a study into whether Ofsted’s approach to inspecting schools is providing value for money. The NAO will be considering if Ofsted inspects schools in an efficient and effective way and if its inspections are having a positive impact.

As part of its 2015 report entitled Exam Factories, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) highlighted that the accountability measure arousing the greatest concern among school leaders and teachers was Ofsted.

The Ofsted problem is still with us. When the National Education Union asked its members for their thoughts about the NAO enquiry, it was plain to see that teachers continue to believe that Ofsted is not fit-for-purpose.

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