
It's the high-quality teaching, stupid...

Key to a high-quality education is high-quality teaching – how many times do we need to say it? Gerald Haigh explains

In a famous Scott Adams Dilbert cartoon from 1993, the pointy-haired boss reveals that employees are no longer the company’s most important asset. They now come in at ninth, immediately after carbon paper (

Given the time devoted by our leaders to systems and structures, you begin to think that teachers are similarly dropping down the order of priorities.

For me, “teacher” is not what you do, it is what you are. That’s why, even though it is a long time since I stood before a class, I still include “teacher” in my CV. I believe, you see, that a teacher, like a judge, a priest, a doctor or a president of the USA, carries the title and status to the grave – once a teacher, always a teacher.

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