
Like an ever-rolling stream

It's work/life balance week? It doesn't feel like it to our NQT diarist, for whom time has become like sand slipping through her fingers.

“Do you know it’s national work/life balance week?” chirped my head of department as he strolled in early on Monday morning. Work/life what? Oh, that thing normal people have who do a normal nine to five job. We NQTs could be forgiven for forgetting the meaning of the word.

I am sleep deprived. Please tell me I am not alone in this. Do I just need to work on my time management or do all NQTs feel like walking zombies?

Sometimes I think my body arrives at school around an hour and a half before my brain wakes up. Then before I know it I’m putting my coat back on and heading out of the door, five lessons down and another five waiting me come sunrise. 

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