
Mental health threatened by continuous drive to 'raise standards'

Everyone, quite rightly, is talking about the importance of student and staff mental health – but our drive to continually raise academic standards is putting good mental health in danger, says Phil Denton

In a recent tweet I saw education secretary Nicky Morgan raising the issue of poor mental health among our children. As a teacher and a school leader, I echo the concerns and applaud all efforts to raise awareness of this growing issue.
However, I fear that many of the actions of political leaders in our education system could be adding to mental health problems – if not helping to cause them in the first place.

In my own family, this issue has been brought to bear as I came home one evening to hear that my son had become very upset during his weekly spelling test. These tests, while not being new, are now more challenging for students – in line with the “raising standards” agenda.

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