
Minding your Ps and Qs – that's Problems and Questions

CPD Pedagogy
Education systems across the globe are embracing skills and project-based learning and we must keep up, says Phil Parker.

Search Google for “21st century skills” and you’ll find numerous links that show global education is shifting towards a skills-led learning paradigm.

I have just come back from China where the same drive exists. I’m working with a top performing PISA school to introduce 21st century skills into their teaching and learning. The experience has made me realise just how global this movement has become.

Let’s backtrack a moment – 21st Century Skills: Learning for life in our times by Bernie Trilling and Charles Fadel is well worth reading. In the prologue these American writers relate how a member of the Chinese Ministry of Education was excited by their ideas and asked where in the curriculum these skills were taught.

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