
More Hard Times

Teaching staff
"Now, what I want is facts!" says our Important Visitor ― an emissary of the Gove. Haven't we heard this before?

“What we want is testing,” pipes the Great Man. The scene is a modern, shiny glass classroom at the Academy Of Transparent Learning.

“If we can’t measure it, it’s not learning,” goes the legend on his lectern. A blade of light falls across his face and lends it something of the gargoyle. He surveys the little vessels before him – my poor, low-runged 8th years – and waves a stick at a PowerPoint wall.

“So... what else do we want?” We elect ourselves mute. No matter. He ploughs on. “I will tell you!” He rakes the front row with a crazed, condescending gaze. “We want the 3Rs!” Pause. “And what are they?”

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