
My 'bottom set' year 7s

Instilling a sense of belief in your students can sometimes be a challenge. Our NQT diarist explains some recent successes she has achieved with one of her classes.

Do you have a vision? Or, more specifically, do you have a vision for your class? Yes, it may sound cheesy, but as a Teach First NQT I was encouraged early in the year to develop a “vision”, a set of goals, a picture in my mind’s eye, for what I wanted to achieve with my class throughout the academic year.

Given that we have passed our half-way juncture, now seems like a perfect time to reflect on my progress in turning my vision into reality. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you my “bottom set” year 7s.

My bottom set year 7s are a mixed bunch; mixed in ability, attitude, and confidence. They are a group of fantastically bright, lovely girls who, for one reason or another, have ended up in the dire situation of feeling that they are the bottom of the rung, that they are not good at mathematics, that mathematics is something they “can’t do”.

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