
NQT Special: Advice from year 2

Last year, SecEd’s NQT diarist was a teacher of maths from a south London school. As part of SecEd's NQT special edition, we asked her to write a special piece offering this year’s NQTs her advice as they approach the end of term one.

When I was asked to write a piece offering advice for current NQTs, I thought “what have I to offer that won’t just be a bland and useless repetition of everything you have heard already?”. 

Over the past year or so your brains will have been bombarded with so much advice – on all things from pedagogy and Assessment for Learning, to behaviour management, that you probably have pearls of wisdom tumbling from your weary eye balls.

You have made it through the most difficult part of your teaching career. The extent to which you are still standing and looking forward to your second term after the much-needed Christmas holidays will be largely dependent on the individual school you are in, the leadership who preside over you, and your interpretation of all the experiences you have had from the start of term up until now.

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