
Please don't kill anything...

Outdoor learning NQTs
The sun is out and our NQT diarist is venturing outdoors with her year 7s. She is hoping that they will stay on track in her garden-based lesson – and that they don't kill anything...

The sun is shining! This can only mean one thing for we brave and ever-adventurous NQTs – outdoor lessons!

My philosophy is we need to make the most of it, so I decided to take any opportunity to plan an outside lesson. At first it was tricky trying to think about how to use the outdoor space in a way that would fit with the learning objectives in this term’s scheme of work, but there are many options for developing mathematical understanding out of doors; measures, data collection and people maths to name a few.

My maiden teacher voyage into the leafy world beyond the classroom walls involved a lesson on estimation with a group of year 7s. In pairs, pupils were given a checklist of objects to find that they thought (no measuring equipment allowed!) might be approximately a certain length. This may sound easy, but you would be surprised how many pupils think that a 20cm twig might actually be about 5cm.

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