
SBMs and their workload fears

Teacher workload is high on the educational agenda, but what about other school staff? Jon Richards focuses on the workload crisis facing many school business managers

The government has made reducing teacher workload one of its main policy aims. Unfortunately it hasn’t had much to say about support staff. We know from our large survey of members last year that workload pressure is a big issue, with school business managers (SBMs) in particular reporting huge workload challenges.

To understand their pressures, we recently surveyed a sample of our SBMs. We had a significant return with 850 responses and more than 90 per cent reported concerns about their workload. The pressures and frustrations spilled out in their comments:

In addition to volume of work, frequent new initiatives (reported by 86 per cent) and too many areas in which SBMs are asked to specialise (83 per cent) were major worries.

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