
Support staff: It’s time to act

School support staff are being hit by falling budgets, low morale and heavy workloads. Sarah Duncan urges the Scottish government to act

UNISON Scotland is very conscious that our school support staff members come back to school this year with the dispiriting prospect of more argument and confusion about the structure of education at government level.

Meanwhile they have to get on with the day job despite continued cuts and ever greater demands. The Scottish government’s focus is entirely on structural reform, ignoring the report written for them by the OECD, responses to their own consultation and the evidence of the impact of £300 million in cuts to school budgets since 2012.

The Scottish government is pressing ahead with the Governance Review, which emphasises structural reform to create large regional collaboratives to oversee schools. UNISON, like most other consultees, believes this is a distraction from the main issue, which is the pressing need to properly resource effective action to reduce the attainment gap for young people.

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