
Supporting effective CPD for NQTs

NQTs must 'learn how to learn' if they are to thrive at the chalkface. Philippa Cordingley considers what this means.

One of the key variables in supporting NQTS is the quality of mentoring and coaching. 

There are two key issues that stem from the evidence about what makes a difference in professional learning for mentors, coaches and those they support.

First, in moving from trainee to teacher status NQTs need to retain their appetite for continuing and deepening their professional learning.

Second, NQTs need to develop the professional equivalent of learning-to-learn skills, becoming, for example, skilled at making effective use of their mentors and persistent in drawing on evidence about effective practice.

Even though these aims are actionable, they are also hard to secure. In the middle of the time pressures that NQTs experience in the early months of their career, many like and appreciate “spoon-feeding” support. Just-in-time ideas, advice and even quick tips feel to them like practical help in just the form they want it. 

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