
Teacher as leader

Traditional teaching methods will not develop students' adaptability, innovation, resilience, critical-thinking or creativity. Dr Conrad Hughes reprises his recent lecture on the teacher as a leader of learning.

With the rapid expansion of ICT, schools need to ensure that they are developing the right skills in students that will equip them to be happy, fulfilled but also competitive in a world fraught with challenges and uncertainty. 

We cannot pretend that by doing business as usual in the classroom we will be actively developing the adaptability, innovation, resilience, critical-thinking (especially discernment and information analysis) and creativity that researchers, philosophers and organisations are showing us are more and more needed in an interconnected world.

While many argue that it is the entire schooling system that is at fault or that we need to redesign our curriculum, I believe that the real question is today where it has always been and will always be: not in the structure or the content of education (although these factors are still important) but in the teaching and learning.

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