
The dreaded faculty review!

Our NQT diarist braces herself for a week of scrutiny as the faculty is reviewed by the senior leadership team...

And so we have, unfortunately, come to the time of year that all departments dread – the faculty review. It is a week of being scrutinised by superior members of the school, having all marking analysed, data assessed and lessons objectified. 

I can safely say I am not looking forward to it much at all, especially with the primary focus being on marking and tracking, as opposed to the lesson content.

I have a general rule about working at the weekends, but even this has been sacrificed in order to complete a growing pile of marking. 

I compromised by still making plans to visit my old friends, but sat on the train from London Euston to Liverpool Lime Street for three hours surrounded by excessive paperwork and coloured pens to mark with, much to the annoyance of the rather upper class citizen who made the error of sitting next to me.

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