
The noodle-surfing champion

The day-to-day grit and determination of caretakers, office staff, teaching assistants, teachers and heads to give of their best goes unreported once the exam result headlines are dry.

Well, the media circus about exams is over for another year. The number of requests for information seems to increase year-on-year with different news agencies requiring different data and then publishing some and not others.

Given that it can be confusing for those of us in the business, what real help do the myriad of tables in the newspapers provide for parents and students and do they reflect the essence of what makes a great school?

Despite these usual gripes, the first forays back into school life began well as we returned from holiday refreshed, looking healthier and several pounds heavier!

I was glowing following the discovery of a hitherto unknown skill and having been crowned the “noodle-surfing champion of 2013”.

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